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Inner Gold (Dr. Dido Gustilo Villasor) | An Weekend Seminar
May 25 – May 26 all-day

Facilitator: Dr. Dido Villasor

When we awaken to a new possibility in our lives, we often see it in another person. When we project our gold onto someone….

that is the sign that something is changing in us.

– Robert Johnson, author of INNER GOLD: the psychology of projection

There are many symbols of Changes within, becoming more conscious of our relationship with self, others and God. In Jungian psychology, one such symbol is GOLD. Guided by lectures, active imagination, and story telling, participants journey through the psychospiritual realms: unknowing, recognizing, owning-movements needed in Claiming one’s Inner Gold.

Registration form: TBA


[Stay-In] Spirituality for the Second Half of Life @ Cenacle Retreat House
Jul 12 – Jul 14 all-day

Facilitator: Sr.  Ana Malapitan,rc

This weekend retreat focuses on how the transitions that we experience at this point in life are opportunities for assessing our task for a more meaningful future. We look into how we can deepen our relationship with the self, others and God. As we come to terms with broken dreams, with our call to creativity for the future, with making peace with our past and accepting the reality of limited options: we are invited to a deeper spirituality in our lives.

Registration form: TBS
